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City Shutterscape- BAS Crew and Blipboard Skeeball Tournament of Champions

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Hello, gorgeous BAS readers!  This week we bring you a new feature- City Shutterscape.  Our new photo contributor, Fabian Echevarria, points and clicks his away around town and shares what he sees.  If you think you might know something we need to capture, drop us a line and we’ll dispatch him to go check it out!

For our first installment, we’d thought we’d start close to home and share some shots from a little mixer us contributore has thrown for us by the always-awesome Joey The Cat and the extremely generous folks at Blipboard at the super cool Clash Clubhouse on this past 4/24.  There was skeeball, hooch and grub for all.  What more could you want?


Ball’s eye point of view.



Your Broke-Ass crew mixing it up.



The inimitable Joey the Cat.



To the victors…



…go the spoils.



Stephen Torres, Joey and Stuart.



Jason, Aneil, and Brianna, lovely co-hosts from Blipboard and Stu.



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Fabian Echevarria- Frugal Photo Pro

Fabian Echevarria- Frugal Photo Pro

Known for a highly developed sense of thrift amongst friends and coworkers, Fabian’s gift of making that minimum wage paycheck last is hard to beat. Two things you can count on with Fabian: he always packs a lunch and brings his own cheap booze. He also seems to have a knack with his favorite media, photography.You could find him at parks, beaches, and night life events throughout San Francisco, camera generally in hand.

You can also follow him at