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Broke-Ass Giveaway: DCINY presents Crescent Super Band at Carnegie Hall

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

Music lovers rejoice! The wonderful folks at Distinguished Concerts International New York (DCINY) are offering 2 tickets to their latest concert event at Carnegie Hall with Caleb Chapman and the Crescent Super Band on Tuesday, May 21st at 8pm. If you want to spend a night listening to an electrifying group of talented musicians hailing from the state of Utah, considered to be one of the “best professional big bands in the world,” then enter our your name and email address below. One lucky broke-ass reader will be picked on Saturday, May 18th.

However, if you don’t win, you can still purchase tickets for only $20 at the Carnegie Hall website here.

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Win 2 Tickets to Crescent Super Band’s Debut at Carnegie Hall

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Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage

My father came, my mother saw...and I conquered. I encourage children to do drugs, I buy alcohol for teenagers, and I drink beer with the homeless. In my spare time, I attend art galleries for the FREE booze while rubbing elbows with modish elephants. I also hammer six-inch nails into small penises. Stuart knighted me as Broke-Ass King of New York. You've been warned.