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Win 2 Tickets to a Rad Performance Installation with FREE Beer and Chocolate

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On Saturday, June 22nd, you will have the opportunity to party with experimental music duo C R O W N S at The Invisible Dog Art Center in Brooklyn for A Canary Torsi’s latest participatory performance installation project, The People to Come. Sponsored by Brooklyn Brewery, this event will begin at 9pm and it will feature FREE booze, dancing, grooving, and delightfully sweet chocolate treats from My Sweet!

This spectacular event is open to the 21+ crowd for $20, but we have the broke-ass hookup. You can enter to win 2 tickets to attend this event for FREE! Use the form below to enter. Also, you can always follow @BAStuartNYC to stay up on all of our contests and the other weird shit we do.


If you want to attend the event, make sure to visit the Facebook event page and RSVP here:

C R O W N S at The Invisible Dog
Saturday, June 22nd at 9pm
Price: $20
The Invisible Art Dog Center
51 Bergen Street
[Boerum Hill]

Photo Credit:

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FREE: Make Music New York Brings You Live Music on Friday, June 21st

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage

Enrique Grijalva - Mr. Minimum Wage

My father came, my mother saw...and I conquered. I encourage children to do drugs, I buy alcohol for teenagers, and I drink beer with the homeless. In my spare time, I attend art galleries for the FREE booze while rubbing elbows with modish elephants. I also hammer six-inch nails into small penises. Stuart knighted me as Broke-Ass King of New York. You've been warned.