AdviceNew YorkSan Francisco

How and Where to Vote in the 2016 Primaries

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Inevitably, stories of voters being turned away at the polls pop up each election season. While some of the incidents are related to corruption or abuse of power, many are due to a lack of clear, widespread information about state-specific voting laws.

In California, we have a semi-closed primary system. In other words, you must be registered with the party whose primary you want to vote in. If you don’t want to be affiliated with either the Republicans or Democrats, you can still vote in the primaries if you register under “No Party Preference”—not to be confused with the American Independent Party.

Bernie Sanders put up this well laid out, simple to use website containing election dates, policies and registration information for every state. It’s a good first stop no matter your political preference. Unless that preference is Donald Trump, who’s asking his supporters to visit here.

Please help spread the word. Register early and have one less thing to worry about on election day. And remember that even if you don’t think voting matters, these maniacs do. This ain’t the year to be gambling.


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Jason Crase

Jason Crase

Jason writes about whatever you pay him to. He has no scruples, dignity or moral compass. Approach with money.

He also dabbles heavily in loud music, black coffee & brain-melting conversations.