Why Starting a Cult is a Great Way to Stop Being Broke
If this doesn’t convince you, then IDK. I’m fucking broke, man. I’m broke. And Groupon/Lifebooker/whatever discount website is trendy right now, is not REALLY an app or a website, it is an addiction. In the perpetual quest for Patrick Bateman-style physical perfection that is this Hollywood life, I find myself

Local Art, Designers, Food and Music this Sunday at Indie Mart!!
Now that the big Indie Mart blowout is only once once a year, they aren’t fucking around. This one is gonna be huge! Indie Mart is that magic event where people get to come out, get some new threads, buy some rad local art, get drunk, and dance. I know

The Standing Desk: A DIY Trip to the Chiropractor
My laptop’s screen burned out and it was the best thing that happened to me in a while. I had hooked it up to an old monitor I had lying around but my laptop screen, now useless, was also blocking my view of the screen, and I couldn’t close it

Broke-Ass Brews: Refrigerator Tea
When it’s hot out, the first thing I’m tempted to spend my money on is a cold drink. Â Iced tea, frozen slushies, whatever, and even if they’re only $1, the small costs start to add up. I decided to take matter into my own hands, and make my own stock

FREE Materials and Classroom Supplies for Bay Area Teachers
No matter where you fall on the political spectrum, we can all agree that the people who are educating future generations of Americans don’t get paid enough money. On top of that, many of the schools they work for don’t have the money to furnish educators with all the supplies

Broke-Ass Decorating: Kitchen Organization
After stuffing far too many whisks and strainers and spoons in recycled takeout containers, I realized that a new organization method in my 2×2 kitchen might be appropriate. Â A lack of counter spaces and complete absence of any form of drawer left few options with how to deal with my

DIY: How to Make Your Own Fly Trap
Like so many of us in our cramped, window-free NYC apartments, I’ve been plagued with the summer invasion of fruit flies who absolutely refuse to leave but seem to really enjoy multiplying. Awesome. While the little guys are generally harmless, they’re not the most aesthetically pleasing while hovering over a fruit bowl

Free in NYC: Compost
If you’re monitoring your grocery bills as closely as I am (ok, I admit it, I have no idea how to do this), you probably feel the same sense of pain when you’re forced to throw away a bag of spinach that’s turned brown or a pack of blueberries that mysteriously turned fuzzy.  The