DIY: Dollar-Store Decor
$3 to make three hanging pom-poms, DIY-style. I’m usually extremely well-behaved during the week. Between free breakfast food at work and going to classes at the gym instead of happy hours at night, I can get from Monday to Friday without spending too much moolah. Come the weekend, though, and

DIY: Five Easy Bottle Cap Crafts
Rat Fink Bottle Cap Charm by VixenVendetta It makes sense that the DIY-ers and the Environmentalists get along, both are founded on a founding principle of reuse, recycle, renew. DIY is less about compost and sustainable food and more about finding a new uses for things, or repurposing items into

Why Painting Your Bedroom Wall Black Can Save You from Contact Dermatitis.
First, if you actually suspect you have contact dermatitis, stop reading. Don’t pick up a paintbrush. Seek medical attention. Thank you. But if allergic skin rashes are more of a general fear rather than an immediate threat, here is a story for you. It started with a moldy couch. Just

PHOTOS: Cheap Halloween At Its Finest.
My neighborhood is broke-ass to a tee. Around here, we live for Free-Detergent-Tuesdays and $2 pizza. Walk down Knickerbocker with twenty one-dollar bills, and you can find a different 99c store to spend each one of them. But if you think austerity measures mean no grand displays of frivolous, transitory fun, then

Tacos For Breakfast: Making Amazing Chilaquiles with Your Leftovers
AH, THE TACO. It gives so much and asks so little. It’s cheap, tasty and fast. It comes in a bounty of varieties and can serve as a snack, a meal, or much, much more. And that’s what I’m here to talk about. Next time you find yourself at a

Save Time, Money, Your Body with the Cold Shower
This will likely be one of the simplest tips you hear on Broke Ass Stuart’s, and will also be the one you are most reluctant to take. This is because it requires a certain amount of physical discomfort, and despite however much we fancy ourselves as self-denying dreamchasers, most of

Why Starting a Cult is a Great Way to Stop Being Broke
If this doesn’t convince you, then IDK. I’m fucking broke, man. I’m broke. And Groupon/Lifebooker/whatever discount website is trendy right now, is not REALLY an app or a website, it is an addiction. In the perpetual quest for Patrick Bateman-style physical perfection that is this Hollywood life, I find myself

Local Art, Designers, Food and Music this Sunday at Indie Mart!!
Now that the big Indie Mart blowout is only once once a year, they aren’t fucking around. This one is gonna be huge! Indie Mart is that magic event where people get to come out, get some new threads, buy some rad local art, get drunk, and dance. I know