Eat & Drink

16 Apr 2011

Fro-yo in the ‘Park

My, what lovely weather we’re to have this weekend. Seventy degrees today, and 68 tomorrow. The conditions are perfect for a leisurely stroll to Yogurt Park! It doesn’t look like much has changed in Yogurt Park since it opened in Berkeley in 1977 (except for the employees, hopefully). The faded

Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler 0
16 Apr 2011

Tip Back with Tasting Tuesdays at Jimmy’s No. 43

Unfortunately my wine tasting palette is limited to the descriptors “winalicious” and “alcoholey”–aka don’t take me to nice things–but for some reason I can lay down like a motherf*cker when it comes to beer. Which is why I am obsessed with the weekly tastings at Jimmy’s No. 43. For $10,

Jill S. 0
15 Apr 2011

Celebrate All Things Goat at the Ferry Plaza Farmers Market Tomorrow

Do you like goats?  No?  Hmmm.  Have you SEEN the above photo?  Look at that precious thing!  I’m not particularly an animal lover myself — my affections are usually reserved solely for my dog, Jackie Robinson — but even I can’t help squealing over this little guy. Okay, let’s say

Christy Jovanelly - Cheapskate Commentator 0
15 Apr 2011

Inner Richmond Gem: Toy Boat Dessert Cafe

Toy Boat Dessert Café is hands down one of the greatest cafes in San Francisco. Where else in this city can you grab a sandwich, finish it off with a heaping cup of your favorite ice cream all while feeling nostalgic from the hundreds of toys staring at you from every angle?

14 Apr 2011

Pancakes and Booze This Friday

Start out your weekend with all-you-can-eat pancakes and cheap booze Friday night when a taste of LA comes to San Francisco. The famous art show will be in our city for a limited time only at the Artists Alley art gallery.  For just $5, you can check out the works

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
14 Apr 2011

More Soup for You: A Delicious and Cheap Recipe

Here in the Bay Area, there’s pretty much never a bad time to eat soup. It’s like that thing that Mark Twain said. You know, that quote that everyone from out of town references when describing our weather patterns. Anyway, even though it’s April, it feels like November out there,

Mia Di Pasquale - Scroungy Scribbler 0
13 Apr 2011

Calling All Carnivores! Cheap Meat in the Lower Haight!

Honestly, I’m not a huge meat fan, but I found out about a place the other day that will hook you up in the meat department! I was hanging out in Lower Haight, celebrating a friend’s birthday last week, when I met this bad-ass butcher who worked at a meat

Heidi Smith - The Ultimate Scavenger 0
12 Apr 2011


Good news to everybody! Spring reared its well-tempered head yesterday and got us all to Ewan-McGregor-in-Trainspotting levels of fiending for a fix of sunshine. Unfortunately, NYC went all Seattle today and its gray as the line between love and hate, but we must still remember that soon there shall be

Dan Cerruti - 99 Cent Store Cowboy 0