SF History

03 Jun 2024

Why Aren’t Earthquakes More Common?

June was off to a bumpy start in the Bay Area. Three separate tremors happened in the early morning hours of Sunday, June 3rd. The first at 1:40 AM rattled the leeward side of the Berkeley Hills two miles north of Orinda. It was a M2.2, barely perceptible but to

Jake Warren 0
18 May 2024

Why San Francisco Needs a Gay Bathhouse

I made a new friend recently. He just moved here from New York. Having tried to visit the Eagle but finding it closed, he texted me one evening. “Does SF close down at like, 11pm? I’m used to NYC where we don’t even start going out until then.”  Oh honey.

Jake Warren 0
12 May 2024

San Francisco Bay Ferry to Add Lines, Expand Service

San Francisco may be neglecting the full potential of the strategic waterways that brought it into being. If you’ve ever sat in Bridge traffic and watched boats fly by on the water below, you might have felt the same. There is no reason the Bay Area shouldn’t have as robust

Jake Warren 0
06 May 2024

Do You Miss Lockdown?

2020 started with the impeachment of Donald Trump, the first attempted presidential ousting since Clinton twenty-two years prior. A volcano in the Philippines erupted, killing thirty-nine and leaving many without homes. LA Lakers player Kobe Bryant and his daughter Gianna Maria-Onore died in a helicopter crash. A novel SARS virus

Jake Warren 0
06 May 2024

Mayor London Breed to Bring Back the Barbary Coast?

Mayor Breed’s newest revitalization scheme involves bringing an entertainment district á la New Orleans’ Bourbon Street to the Financial District. Another gambit to jumpstart downtown San Francisco, at least this idea doesn’t yearn for the dead-and-gone. Even Breed knows office culture is never coming back. Her plan shifts focus from

Jake Warren 0
08 Apr 2024

Bring Back Trespassing, For San Francisco’s Sake

The #sfdoomloop is a media dogpile that feels at times like a character assassination. The story going around is the city is dead or dying. With local politicians vying for tech and other profitable industries to (re)invest, it seems that way. Tech is never coming back, and these uninspired bids

Jake Warren 0
29 Mar 2024

20 Years of Bootie! Celebrating SF’s Iconic Mashup Night

Back in the mid-2000s, my friends and I regularly swapped music from one of SF’s longest-running mashup nights, Bootie Mashup. April marks 20-years of ‘Bootie‘. Since 2003, Bootie has been creating genre-themed mashup nights that blend both current and throwback pop songs and often feature fun variety show acts dancing

Katy Atchison 0
A tree.
29 Jan 2024

Have Y’all Ever Been to San Francisco’s Mount Olympus?

For those who have never heard of Ashbury Heights, a literally lofty micro neighborhood above Cole Valley, don’t worry: You’re one thousand percent not alone. Possibly just to appease property developers, possibly because it has actually been a Thing for a long time, the small area at the bottom of