SF Bay Area

18 Aug 2020

Broke-Ass Stuart is in Serious Trouble

We had a meeting on Friday to look over the Broke-Ass Stuart financials to see how bad they are. And WOW. They aren’t just bad, they are TERRIBLE. That’s why we’re writing to ask you to please join the Broke-Ass Stuart Patreon at $6 or above. An Inside Look at

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
17 Aug 2020

We Have Fake Burning Man Tickets For Sale, Only $9k per. Who Wants Them?

Yo, still looking for ticks bro? We got the most expensive, fakest tickest to Burning Man you’ve ever seen.

14 Aug 2020

EARN IT: The Anti-Child Trafficking Bill That’s Actually an Anti-Sex Work Bill

Hello, internet. Pearl-clutching buzzkill politicians are trying to pass a bill that claims to be anti-child trafficking that is really just an attack on sex work. Again! If you’re an online sex worker who has been at it for awhile, a new entrant padding your bills with OnlyFans, a client

Hannah Harkness 0
14 Aug 2020

The Eternal NIMBY vs YIMBY Battle Was on Full Display at the SF BoS Meeting

GUEST POST BY WESLEY WELLS We’re sitting through the San Francisco Board of Supervisors meetings and breaking them down for you so you don’t have to! Here’s the mini minutes for the Board of Supervisors on Tuesday, August 11th, 2020. Full minutes available right here. Video and transcript available right here.

Guest Writer 0
13 Aug 2020

Slim’s to be Replaced by ‘YOLO’ Nightclub Douchefest

For over 30 years Slim’s hosted live music from every genre in San Francisco.  Punk, rock, R&B, to blues, jazz, folk, and rap performers played this SOMA institution.  It shut forever in March.  And now, perhaps as a sign of the times, Slim’s was bought by San Jose club owners

13 Aug 2020

The Second Year in San Francisco 

I did not fall in love with San Francisco instantly. It never asked me to. It did not make me feel like my presence necessitated justification. 

Guest Writer 0
12 Aug 2020

Despite Complicated Feels, Kamala Harris is Making History

She would be the first woman to serve as vice president. She would be the first Black person and Indian American in that role. She would be the second California-born vice president, and definitely the first hailing from the Bay Area. In one fell swoop, Sen. Kamala Harris would break

12 Aug 2020

Kristin Urquiza Launches National Day of Action and Vigil to ‘Marked by COVID’ and Failed by Politicians

Thursday would have been Mark Anthony Urquiza’s 66th birthday, but he will not be there to celebrate. Instead, his daughter Kristin Urquiza is holding a vigil and ofrenda in his honor in seven cities across six different states. While the events will celebrate the man, they will also serve as