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05 Jan 2017

Bartenders Tell Their Craziest ‘Drunk Customer’ Stories

Every now and again we ask YOU our fine readers a question on facebook.  Sometimes its about your Worst Public Transit Stories, sometimes its about the Weirdest Places You’ve Had Sex, the responses we get are always amazing.

22 Dec 2016

All the Awesome NYE Events

OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE.  HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM Just about everyone I know is ready for 2016 to hit the garbage heap of history. While I am more of a dinner party with friends kinda person, San Francisco and the East Bay have

20 Dec 2016

What to Get your Favorite Sex Worker for the Holidays

OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE.  HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM When one thinks of sex work, too often those thoughts come laden with negative images. There are, of course, reasons for negative associations to be made, as there are reasons for sex work among women to be hotly

Rae Bathgate - Down and Out and Overseas 0
02 Dec 2016

Why Don’t Europeans F***ing TIP?

OFF MENU IS SPONSORED BY EMPEROR NORTON’S BOOZELAND THE TENDERLOIN’S NEWEST HISTORIC DIVE.  HAPPY HOUR NOON – 7PM By Jake Hart  Hello!  Oh you’re visiting NYC from Europe? So that means you can afford the cost of getting on a flying machine from across an ocean to come tool around/spend money(yours or someone

jakeh 0
07 Nov 2016

Taking a Time Machine to 1920’s San Francisco

On the edges of Chinatown and North Beach there’s a basement gin joint that takes a secret pass code to enter. Once past the fake door of the sham clock repair shop, you find yourself inside a gambling den and cabaret that’s been filled to the brim with bathtub hooch. Outside, Prohibition has cleaned the streets but you’re a member of the 1930s social elite — low on morals and high on strong cocktails.

Sam Devine 0
20 Oct 2016

Why Everyone Should Work in a Restaurant

Everyone should work in a restaurant at least once. Ask any server, bartender, barista, cook, dishwasher, buser, greeter, and they’ll agree. It’s a conversation I often have with other people in the restaurant industry. This conversation is half bitching about customers (sorry not sorry) and half enumerating all the ways that working in a restaurant makes you a better person.

Rae Bathgate - Down and Out and Overseas 0
13 Oct 2016

FiveThirtyEight Poll Confirms Hillary Clinton Is Antichrist

GUEST POST By:  Satan, Prince Of Darkness Puny humans! My Antichrist is revealed in a recent FiveThirtyEight “polls-plus” forecast. As you can plainly see above from a recent FiveThirtyEight forecast, My great false messiah is revealed to be your Democratic Presidential candidate Hillary Clinton, thus ensuring her complete victory over

Joe Kukura- Millionaire in Training 0
I'll show you mine, if you show me yours
28 Sep 2016

Magical Third Date Ideas in San Francisco

In San Francisco where many relationships don’t last more than six weeks, the third date is a significant milestone. For some it marks the date count that allows them to engage in sexy time without feeling too slutty

Heather Robinson - Artisanal Trouble Maker 0