Donald Trump

Elizabeth Warren Is Destroying Trump on Twitter Right now (Updated)
The revered Senator from Massachusetts has been asked by many to be the Democratic candidate for President. She’s declined thus far and has refrained from endorsing any candidate. Today she weighed in on one candidate in particular, the presidential candidate who has had 4 of his businesses declare bankruptcy in the past,

Trump Suffers HUUUGGEE Defeat in Music Battle on Streets of New Orleans
When Donald Drumpf flew to New Orleans last Friday for a rally on the eve of the Louisiana Primary, a giant brass band, backed by Drumpfet/vuvuzela-wielding supporters, dancers, and protestors, swarmed the rally grounds like a guerilla army of peace, love, and understanding.

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!
Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Louis C.K. Calls Trump “Insane Bigot” and “Hitler”
Over the weekend the brilliant comedian Louis C.K. wrote an email calling Donald Trump an “insane bigot” and “Hitler”. He also said the US was turning into “Germany in the 30s”. It’s an interesting letter and Louis makes some sharp and wonderful points, as usual. It actually reminds me of

How and Where to Vote in the 2016 Primaries
Inevitably, stories of voters being turned away at the polls pop up each election season. While some of the incidents are related to corruption or abuse of power, many are due to a lack of clear, widespread information about state-specific voting laws. In California, we have a semi-closed primary system.

What Europeans say about U.S. Presidential Candidates
Being in the public eye, especially as a politician, every single thing you do gets scrutinized. Imagine your high school days, but on social crack. From social media, to the things you say, the things you tweet, those embarrassing moments, it’s all judged. I once had a writing tutor tell

The Best Donald Trump Pinatas in SF, Ranked
Not all Donald Trump pinatas are created equal. The Donald Trump pinatas in the SF Mission District vary greatly in size, price and artistic integrity. A Broke-Ass Stuart Broke-Team investigative report (consisting of us looking and asking in every pinata-selling establishment on all 58 blocks of Mission Street) lists every

Being a ‘Sanctuary City’ Really Does Make San Francisco Safer
Another senseless gun homicide has finally provoked national outrage for reform, because this time it was a Mexican guy who shot the gun. The national conversation turned against San Francisco this week as a sanctuary city policy in effect here since 1989 has been widely blamed for the July 1

NYC Trends That Are No Longer Cool
What can I say about New York City that hasn’t been said before? That she’s the city that never sleeps? Been there. That if you can make it here, you can make it anywhere? Done that. There are so many cliches about NYC because this city attracts the most ambitious