free admission

02 Jul 2017

The World Record Being Set At Asian Art Museum

The Asian Art Museum’s LOTUS LIVE is an effort to earn a GUINNESS WORLD RECORDS™ this July! It’s part human, part artwork, part celebration of the museum’s Flower Power exhibition and the 50th anniversary of San Francisco’s Summer of Love

03 Apr 2012

FREE Admission to the Noguchi Museum Through April 22nd

Japanese artist Isamu Noguchi was one pretty cool cat.  The Ben Franklin of the art world, Noguchi was a real Renaissance man, and was well-known for his simplistic sculptures, public art, landscape architecture, lighting, and furniture.  There’s a Noguchi Museum in Long Island City– dedicated to the jack-of-all-trades’s work, and,

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
06 Dec 2024

The 2025 SF Beer Passport is Here!

Step into a world of adventure with the San Francisco Beer Passport. There’s no better way to explore San Francisco than to literally drink it in. This passport is amazing! Each one contains 28 coupons to buy one beer, get a second beer FREE at 28 of the finest locally

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
08 Nov 2011

FREE Admission and Performance at the New Museum This Thursday

The New Museum— currently home to a ridiculous giant slide, among other awesome artistic attractions– offers FREE admission every Thursday night from 7-9pm.  There’s really no better way to spend a Thursday evening than viewing and discussing contemporary art, followed by whizzing down a humongous tube slide squealing gleefully like

Carrie Laven - Pretty Penniless 0
02 Jun 2011

Frolick Freely at Brooklyn Botanic Garden

If you are a normal human being, from time to time you may find yourself in need of a break from the gum wad-laden concrete and non-stop honking of New York City’s streets. So. Much. Honking. Lucky for you, the Brooklyn Botanic Garden is offering up free admission to its

Jill S. 0
13 Apr 2011

Get Free Admission to the Museum of the City of New York

Until the internetz blesses us with a new spewy episode of Drunk History, it looks like we gotta take some learnin’ matters into our own hands.  Fortunately The Museum of the City of New York is not only a pretty awesome way to do this anytime, but right now they’re

Jill S. 0
02 Jun 2010

Get Cultured, Bank of America-style (and it’s FREE!)

Attention Bank of America customers: Whatever beef you have with the red-white-and-blue financial institution, squash it. At least for a couple days here and there. I’m not sure how I stumbled upon this little known fact, but BoA offers its cardholders FREE admission to more than 100 museums, zoos, science

Mikey Rox - Cut-Rate Copywriter 0
21 Apr 2010

FREE Admission to the Bronx Zoo

Tomorrow is Earth Day. If you wanna get one with nature, there are trees you can hug in Central Park, Prospect Park, smaller neighborhood parks, or just on the street. Though it’s a little difficult to wrap your arms around the saplings that line most NYC blocks. If you’d rather

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
12 Apr 2009

Monthly Hipster Art Party Celebrates Eggbeater: FREE entry for “artists”

  Passover, Easter, the resurrection of Christ, and the exodus from Egypt will all be heartily ignored in favor of a non-discriminatory posting about a party celebrating something that clearly deserves acknowledgement: the eggbeater.  In my experience the bastard is hard to clean up – I always tried to lick