BoozeSan Francisco

Lets Get Fucked Fundraiser! $4 Guava Gimlets at 15 Romolo TONIGHT!

The Bay's best newsletter for underground events & news

This fancy booze may be cheap, but we dont condone being a dumb, drunk bitch. [Credit to the superficialist for the photo.]

These days, it’s really hard to get some bang for your buck. Whenever possible [read: almost never], I like some of my blood money to go to charity. Luckily, 15 Romolo decided to combine their lovely bar, making a difference and, of course, booze. Because you know we’re always trying to get you loaded on the cheap.
Eater SF brings us a great tip: Fancy $4 Guava Gimlets during Happy Hour all day today. $1 from the sale of each drink goes to Project Open Hand, a food delivery service that helps out the terminally ill and elderly get their vittles. Did I just write vittles?

$4 Guava Gimlet Happy Hour! at 15 Romolo
15 Romolo Place at Broadway [North Beach]
Tuesday August 25th, 2009 5-8pm

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Monica Miller - The Intern

Monica Miller - The Intern

Ms. Miller was born in San Diego, CA to one lesbian mother and one
righteous, cheap father. Currently, she is enrolled at San Francisco
State University for a B.A. in Journalism and the approximate
completion date is around 2015. She has worked for many papers in the
Bay Area, including the Oakland Tribune and the San Mateo Country
Times and is currently the city editor at one of the most
underappreciated publications in SF, the Golden Gate [X]press. Though
she may find bargains aplenty, it only stems from the necessity of
never landing an actual job and working for hacks [like Stuart.] With
intelligence, style, poise, bite, and honesty, she will rip your heart
out; but not before writing some awesome, poignant shit. This year,
she is looking forward to bigger and better things such as: trying to
get paid for a gig, actually finding a date that isn't a loser or
fucking crazy, not calling her parents when hungover and bringing you
the best of the 7x7 everyday of the week. [By the way, I wasn't
kidding about the date thing; if you love food, booze and shoegaze,
get at me.]