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Win Two Tickets to BB King + Blind Boys of Alabama @ Mountain Winery!

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“[At 88-years-old], Riley B. King was born on September 16, 1925, on a cotton plantation in Itta Bene, just outside the Mississippi delta town of Indianola. He used to play on the corner of Church and Second Street for dimes and would sometimes play in as many as four towns on a Saturday night. With his guitar and $2.50, he hitchhiked north to Memphis, Tennessee, in 1947 to pursue his musical career. Memphis was the city where every important musician of the South gravitated and which supported a large, competitive musical community where virtually every black musical style was heard. B.B. stayed with his cousin Bukka White, one of the most renowned rural blues performers of his time, who schooled B.B. further in the art of the blues.”

ENTER this giveaway to see a blues legend…or buy the tickets HERE.

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