Last Bart: The Song About Late Night Bart Rides We Can All Relate to
A late-night BART ride is not for the faint of heart. You’re transported between point A and B in the weird, twisted world of Bay Area Transit. There’s no telling what you’ll see onboard – a used joint, wild creatures from the unknown, left over food or even your classic pile of random trash – there’s a little bit of everything. You know you’re in for a “treat” whenever you grab the last BART on your way back home.
Last spring, a group of musicians from the band Business Casual decided to create a music video that highlights all the special features of your last-ditch effort to catch Bart on your way home. Aptly named “Last Bart,” the song captures the struggle of a Bart ride with a catchy beat and fun references. But the music video is just as good as the song and features all of your favorite sights and sounds from Bart—this time with more hilarity. We talked to the band and filmmaker David Zlutnick about this ear worm, which has now been in my head for weeks since discovering it.
Tell us How This Silly Music Video Came to be?
This video reminds me of those groups of friends who will dance for tips on Bart during regular commute hours – except with more costumes and silliness.
“It was shot in March 2023 in one evening. David knows what camera was used, since we already had recorded the music we didn’t need to capture any live sound from the recording.
The making of the video happened in three stages:
- Jordan put together a very rough story board and texted with David about it. We have known each other through SF music and politics for over a decade (?) so it was really easy to work with him.
- The band and some friends got together to make some wacky costumes. There were some specific ideas and others that just popped up on the spot
- we reached out to everyone we knew asking who was available on a specific day, and we all met up at 16th and mission bart and filmed for several hours.”

Barf (left) sways to the music – this and other silliness found inside the hilarious video “Last Bart” by Business Casual
What’s the inspiration behind the Song?
“The song was a completely collaborative effort between Jordan Baxter Stern, Jeremy Dalmas, and Em Ritchie getting together and jamming. We were playing the instrumental parts and then I was trying out lyrics and the first couple lines came out. We all felt like “last bart” was a good topic for a song, so we brainstormed lyrics. We also solicited last bart stories from the Sfchalkboard listserv, a listserv that Jeremy cofounded almost 20 years ago for collective houses, and that’s where some of the lyrics came from.
As for the costumes, I was inspired by the zaniness from this video from the band Les Rita Mitsouko and we were trying to capture the random and sometimes wacky nature of a last bart ride. We also wanted the video to be a celebration of the bizarre and freaky cultures that exist in the bay area and a celebration of public space.”
How to Connect With This is Business Casual
The band is currently working on new material and doesn’t have any events coming up but you can find them online.
Watch the video here:
Their only social media is oh-so-trendy LinkedIn:
Band members:
Jordan Baxter Stern @jordanbaxterstern
Em Ritchie @__emrit__
Jeremey Damas @jeremydalmas
Video by: @davidzlutnick along with my website:
A note from the band sending out thanks to those who were involved in the video…
“This video could not have happened without the collaborative efforts of our community, our wonderful talented friends who helped make the costumes and goof off in the video. Everyone participated freely. Also David Zlutnick is a professional filmmaker and he offered his wisdom and skills in all aspects of this process, from the concept, the planning, storyboard, filming, editing, and release. He is a dream to work with and if you want to make a music video, or any video, you should talk to him!”