
01 Jun 2022

Ten Hot Tips for a First-Time San Francisco Tourist

You are going to step in shit if you don’t watch where you’re walking. Most of it comes from pets (reasonable people pick up after their animals), the rest from birds and humans. The city is notorious for it (I once walked out of my building and in on a

Jake Warren 0
24 May 2022

Why London Breed Chose The Police Over The Pride Parade

San Francisco is a city of symbols. We’re iconic for a bunch of shit we don’t really live up to. The current situation London Breed has found herself in relation to the LGBTQIA+ Pride Parade is emblematic of the issues facing San Francisco itself If you’ve been following national media

Abraham Woodliff - Bay Area Memelord 0
20 May 2022

Local Web Series “City Folx” Brings Drag King Laughs

Drag performance may be getting its moment in the pop cultural spotlight thanks to the likes of “RuPaul’s Drag Race.”  However, that spotlight’s mainly shining on drag queens, not drag kings.  Instead of waiting for some mainstream media outlet to notice the talent of drag kings, local director Rae Dawn

guy in fairy costume, golden gate bridge, silly guy with grill in yellow and asian girl smiling with bright sweater and hat
20 May 2022

Unmistakable Traits of a Typical Bay Area Native

Anytime I step out of the Bay Area, I’m struck with one simple fact; you can take the Bay Area local outta the bay but you can’t take away my weird Bay Area quirks. It’s fun to ask yourself “What qualities give a Bay Area local away when we are

Katy Atchison 0
11 May 2022

How to Fence Stolen Goods in San Francisco

The easiest and safest way to get stolen goods in San Francisco is from parked cars.  Automobile ‘smash and grabs’ are by far the most common types of crime committed in our fair city.

21 Apr 2022

I Spent Easter With John Waters at The Madonna Inn

A huge group of juvenile delinquents, drapes and drapettes gathered at the famous kitsch hotel Madonna Inn in San Luis Obispo for the John Waters Easter. That is a real thing that happened.

Patricia Colli 0
Wordle Meme posted by @mjseidlinger
15 Apr 2022

Wordle is The Game People Love & Love to Hate

Early 2022, cryptic black, green and yellow square lockups started flooding my Facebook account. So much so that I had to finally give in and ask my friend – “WTF is this bullshit all over my feed?” The culprit: Wordle. Here is what it’s all about, some sound strategy, and

Katy Atchison 0
28 Mar 2022

In Memoriam: Woman Dead of Grocery Shopping in SF [Satire]

Michelle Bates July 24, 1989 – March 4, 2022 Michelle Bates, an average person with no children, hobbies, or notable accomplishments, passed away peacefully last week in a San Francisco Safeway, with an old man ahead of her in line and Tide pods by her side. Michelle was a thirty-two-year-old

Natalie Mead 0