Self Care

The Different Forms of Cannabis in 2017
Know before you blow (smoke). Rolling a joint and lighting up isn’t the only way to enjoy marijuana anymore. Cannabis culture has come a long way in a more educated and progressive society and because of this the quality, options, benefits, and access has popularized marijuana in a positive light.

April is Cannabis Awareness Month
As the cannabis culture has taken a turn for the best and 4/20 isn’t just a day to celebrate getting high anymore, April is now officially Cannabis Awareness Month. Mind blown! What does this even mean? It means that all tokes of life can shed light on the many

The Orgasm Gap Matters More Than The Wage Gap
The best part about being a woman in the 21st century is having whatever kind of sex you want, with whoever you want, and no one will burn you alive for witchcraft! It helps you weed out the douchebags faster, and we have the medical technology to both prevent and

Tax and Flu Season Feel the Same
The last time I felt this nauseated, angry and anxious was when I had morning sickness. I never threw up over homework assignments in high school. Not even when I was a sleep deprived, hormonal, overachiever taking an absurd amount of AP classes. I’m not pregnant, I don’t have the flu,

What Your Yoga Pants Say About You
By: Mar-Li Pitcher It’s a Tuesday afternoon. You’ve got your latte in hand and you’re ready to take over the world, one downward facing dog at a time. 1. You’re Fearless Yoga pants don’t exactly leave a lot to the imagination. But you don’t care about that, do you? You’ve

Best Safe and Legal Abortion Options in NYC
So. You’re in New York City. You’re pregnant. And you’d like to stop being pregnant. There are a number of ways you could have gotten here, and a number of ways you could feel about it. You could be single or partnered, younger or older, someone who already has kids

The Best Bathrooms To Shit For Free In NYC
By: Jonas Barnes If you’re surprised I’m writing an article about where to take the best free shits in NYC, we need to get to know one another better. If you know me, writing about taking a good free shit makes as much sense as me writing about being fat.

Your ‘F**k Valentine’s’ Day Menu
Miso soup is a light, fresh first course to many Asian meals. It can also be a stellar start to any variety of five-course meal, as it will warm your belly without filling it up too much before the next four courses.