new york city

17 Feb 2010

Death By Audio: Chicken Feathers and Naked Girls

Last time I wrote about Death by Audio, there was a giant maze taking over the entire space. Tomorrow night, they’re letting you cover 15 naked women in chicken feathers while two dudes play 17 drums in a performance described as “post-feminist avant garde historical reenactment meets squirrel-infused eletro-noise tribe.”

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
16 Feb 2010

Rita’s Comes to NYC

When I say the words “water ice” outside the city limits of Philadelphia, people look at me like I’m some backwards hick who just crawled out of the Schuylkill River.  Better known as “wooder ice” to Philly residents, and Italian ice to the rest of the civilized world, this simple

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
27 Dec 2024

I Need To Get Real With You for a Minute

I need your help to keep going. In 2024, we wrote over 800 articles and published over 4,000 social media posts serving the San Francisco Bay Area. We’ve covered striking workers, fine artists, corrupt politicians, fantastic drag performers, colorful weirdos, cherished small businesses, and the vital news that the

Broke-Ass Stuart - Editor In Cheap 0
16 Feb 2010

Broke Ass Financial Coaching: What to Pay if You Break A Friend’s Stuff

“My dog’s tail knocked over a glass of water onto my friend’s computer, now the computer isn’t working. The computer is three years old. Should I buy her a new computer? A used computer of equal value?” – SD

Oh brotha. I am sorry to hear this happened. It is nice when these things are cut and dry, but often there is a lot of gray area when it comes to friends working out paying for broken items. Unfortunately sometimes it’s obvious to one person and not obvious to the other person.

Betsy Crouch - Coach $izzle 0
15 Feb 2010

Broke Ass Band Interview: Private Income

These days, New York has a love affair with the synthesizer. You would think it was 1970 all over again.  In this sea of dance pop, MIDI, and vodocorders, I’m putting my bet on the Wurlitzer making a comeback with the help of one Kelly Rae Kerwin and her band

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
15 Feb 2010

FREE Tequila for the Unemployed

Right now, it’s hard not to want a shot of something if you stop to think about the economy. Especially if you’re unemployed (or under employed) and you’ve can only afford tall boys of King Cobra with your liquor budget. The Delancy has your back. Every Monday is “Laid off

Kiley E - Ragamuffin Researcher 0
14 Feb 2010

A Valentine’s Guide for Lovers and Haters

Valentine’s Day is a weird little holiday. With fuzzy historical origins, no significant religious ties, and mostly exclusive to half the population,  it’s the Sarah Palin of holidays, loved by some and despised by a lot. It sneaks up on you every year with pandering shitty movies, Duane Reed starts

Laura S - Spendthrift Scribe 0
11 Feb 2010

Not Without My Mobile Device Daughter

As of the end of last week, a new NY statewide ruling has authorized a $200 fine for cabdrivers talking on any mobile device, even if it’s hands-free.  Whoa, whoa, whoa, New York State, do you really think you’ve thought this through?  I get the reasoning behind it– it’s frustrating,

Anna G - Caliburg Contributor 0
11 Feb 2010

FREE Liminal Space at The Lay Up

Have you ever really sat down and thought of how many times you find yourself in a ‘˜liminal space’?  Probably not.  A term I often heard bandied about in grad school, liminal space is one that (theoretically, physically, politically or otherwise) is neither here nor there.  It lies on the

Christine Witmer - Sparing Stringer 0